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                  Stand: 2024-06-03 05:48:56

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                  Aw: Re:translate bad. (1 Leser) (1) Gast
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                  THEMA: Aw: Re:translate bad.
                  SuN (Benutzer)
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                  Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  Hey JB!

                  Here is a screenshot of the board section as it appears on my english version of the site:

                  I tried to send it to you as a PM, but i couldn't figure out how to attach a picture....
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                  ****JB**** (Benutzer)
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                  Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  Hi SUN,
                  yes you are right indeed, I had not seen because the German part is not really my headquarters .
                  Now thinking about it well, it's completely silly, too.
                  So (Chill board) is supposedly a translation, but some other words are not translated like:
                  (Veranstaltungen), (Werkstatt), (Allgemein).
                  Not to mention then the rest once you enter the famous Sub Forums or all conversations remain in German, them. It must be a half price translator in my opinion
                  I don't know anything about site management, but I found this: ostm_view=course&ostm_pathway_id=48& ostm_course_id=177
                  I know it may seem long, but this morning I looked at this whole part (Multilanguage) and I thought I saw that we could even automatically translate user conversations if necessary.
                  I can understand that it is tedious to do, but if it is to do half as much nothing. It's my way of thinking personally.
                  See you
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                  Aw: translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  SuN schrieb:

                  Als ersten "Fehler" würde ich mal anmerken
                  "Unterforen" als Sub-Boards statt als "child Boards" zu bezeichnen.

                  I don't find that in the backend. Surely comes from the forum software

                  Das finde ich nicht im backend. Kommt sicherlich von der Forensoftware

                  p.s. die GTR2 Hilfe Seite ist aktualisiert
                  GTR2 help is fixd
                  thank all helpers
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                  Letzte Änderung: 25.04.2020 09:09 von Nobody.

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                  SuN (Benutzer)
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                  Aw: Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  ****JB**** schrieb:

                  I don't know anything about site management, but I found this: ostm_view=course&ostm_pathway_id=48& ostm_course_id=177
                  I know it may seem long, but this morning I looked at this whole part (Multilanguage) and I thought I saw that we could even automatically translate user conversations if necessary.
                  I can understand that it is tedious to do, but if it is to do half as much nothing. It's my way of thinking personally.
                  See you

                  Auto translating whole conversations is something we can keep in mind for the future.
                  I don't think its necessary right now. Because i think the amount of work is big.
                  A user posting a new topic can simply decide wether he posts his question in more than on language or not. Of course this depends on the awareness of each user that we are in some kind an international site.

                  btw: The error with the "child boards" is not on the german part of the website.
                  It's on the english part, as i mentioned.
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                  Letzte Änderung: 25.04.2020 11:42 von SuN.
                    Kein öffentlicher Schreibzugriff erlaubt, bitte erst registrieren!
                  ****JB**** (Benutzer)
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                  Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  btw: The error with the "child boards" is not on the german part of the website.
                  It's on the english part, as i mentioned.

                  I just checked again, and it is well on the German part the detail of the Chill Board, 5 times to be precise and once in the English part. Even on the photo you sent it is well marked; Deutschsprachige Foren. Deutsch is Deutsch.
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                  SuN (Benutzer)
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                  2021-01-25 21:49:43
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                  Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  When i change the language settings to english it still says "Deutschsprachige Foren".
                  It's just not translated at all.

                  ah nvm, i just noticed. there are 2 separate board areas.

                  So, what you meant is that you are just responsible for the english boards?
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                  Letzte Änderung: 25.04.2020 23:58 von SuN.
                    Kein öffentlicher Schreibzugriff erlaubt, bitte erst registrieren!
                  ****JB**** (Benutzer)
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                  Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  SUN say :So, what you meant is that you are just responsible for the english boards?

                  No, I'm not responsible for anything at all here.
                  Just texts that I write.
                  So as you can see there are a lot of errors in the translations, like that I am not alone in saying this. Now I do not know if it is of any use to point out certain errors of translations because apart from the two of us, nobody talks about it. So let's continue like this.
                  Already on the game a player said to me: (Hi JB the translator) . Soon it will write: (Hi JB the pain) .

                  PS: I specify that I do not intend to make comments, only for the good of the GTR2 community and in no case the critics.
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                  Letzte Änderung: 26.04.2020 14:45 von ****JB****.
                    Kein öffentlicher Schreibzugriff erlaubt, bitte erst registrieren!
                  SuN (Benutzer)
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                  Aw: Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  Okay m8.
                  I just wanted to offer my help for things i can help with.
                  If there is no need, i'm fine with this.
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                  Nobody (Admin)
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                  Aw: Re:translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  SuN schrieb:
                  Okay m8.
                  I just wanted to offer my help for things i can help with.
                  If there is no need, i'm fine with this.

                  In German
                  Nicht falsch verstehen. SuN
                  Das Kinder Dingens im Forum kann ich nicht ändern.

                  Aufgekommen ist alles weil ein grober Fehler auf der Homepage war. Den hat Jahrelang keiner bemerkt.
                  Das ist gefixt. Die Hilfeseite hier war auch rudimentär. Jetzt sollte es aber passen. Paar Kleinigkeiten fehlen noch.
                  Trotzdem nicht aufhören mit der Fehlersuche. Zum Beispiel das neue alte FAQ benötigt etwas Aufmerksamkeit.
                  Also wenn du magst. Quatschen wir mal am WE. Nur nicht Samstag. Bin aud Party.
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                  Klaus (Benutzer)
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                  Aw: translate bad. vor 4 Jahren, 1 Monat  
                  Bin auf Party.??????

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