I notice in download category there is
"File Title: GTR2-Deutsch" GTR2 auf Deutsch (Menüs/Boxenfunk) Size : 40,90 MB
if the admins who manage the download category ever want to add a french category i can send by mail "GTR2 In French" for the Steam Version taken files/folders from the DVD FRENCH Version - Size : 23.2 MB.
I notice there is also "Advanced Setup Menu" in english & german so I can also share the "Advanced Setup Menu" in French - Size : 6,84 MB.
I don't know if i can attach a file here more than 5 MB that's why i proposed by mail to an admin.
I know we are only 2 French people to play on Kolsch but who knows maybe some days more french could join.
If Admins here don't really need this it is ok, no problem, it was just to help